Sunday, February 27, 2011

Infographs Updated

My Favorite Place to Travel

I think my favorite place to travel would have to be Utah. I've only been there once but I remember it being an amazing experience. It was different than all of the other places I've traveled to. Instead of the usual beach trip, we took a trip to the mountains where the ground was red sand and at night in the sky we could see all of the satellites clearly. Even though I do love the beach, I also love a change of scenery and out in Utah it felt like I was on a completely different continent.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Updated Infograph Homework

Blog Response Homework 3

Please post an entry in your blog about the Reading below.  Can you imagine being an artist with 1000 true fans?  How would you contact them?

I have never been the type of person who likes to be center of attention. I always like putting others before myself, so I could never imagine myself having 1,000 true fans. Like the reading said, "not every artist is cut out, or willing to be a nurturer of fans." I am probably one of those artists that is not cut out for the part. Not because I am too caught up in myself, but because I wouldn't know how to handle them all. I am the type of person that enjoys one on one conversations instead of sitting in front of an audience and talking to them. I like more intimate situations which you would never accomplish with having so many fans. I could however, do the last scenario and keep a blog for myself to handle all of the fans. That would probably be the best way for me to handle the situation best. So my only two options for contacting them would probably be through a manager, or through a blog I would keep for everyone. There is no way I could handle them all on my own.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Static Info-graph- Homework 2

Favorite Image from worth 1000

I really like what the artist did here, they found a creative way to express greed. I think it is interesting that they changed it up and placed a quarter as the center of the eye while the dollars takes up the rest of the iris.

This photo I think is adorable and really funny. I wish I could see a puppy in real life look like this. I'm in love with his slippers!! It reminds me of a young child with glasses too big for their face.

I've seen other images with hands holding other objects and I've always loved them! This one is so cute with the miniature kitten. I wish they really existed

All photos taken from